How to create multiple users in Windows 10
Hello there sometimes our other family members use our PC. In this cases our privacy and security are very important matter. If the user delete any kind of our data we can fall in a crisis. So we need a system to prevent other users to do so. As we are Windows operating system user we don't have to wary cause the operating system we are using is a great operating system. It's maded by many geneus people and they have maded a system to create many other user so that multiple users can use it comfortably. On Windows 10 we can create many users. Here the ways:
1: Firstly go to Settings and select "Accounts."
2:Then in Accounts on your left side select "Family & other users"
3:Then select "Add someone else to this PC
4:Then a window will be open. There if the person you want to add have a Microsoft Account then input the account name and click "Next". or if the person don't have any Microsoft Account then go ahead it's in further next step.
5:Then there will be a massage window there click "Finish" when the user will login to his account they will ask the user to input his password and after that he will be taken to the Windows interface
6:If the person don't have any Microsoft Account then click "I don't have this person's sing-in information".
7:Then they will ask you to create Microsoft Account. If you want to create one then input the information and click "Next" and follow their instruction then create a user
8:If you don't want so then after clicking "I don't have this person's sing-in information" click "Add a user without a Microsoft account"
9:There on input the information and select 3 questions to recover your password and click"Next".
10:Then we will see a Account under the "Add someone else to this PC" button you can change account by restarting the system they will ask you to choose account on the startup and will ask password(if you have given).
11Or you can change account from the start menu like this:
Hope that it has fix your problems. If you have any question on it comment us or you can use our Ask A Question page to ask any question.
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