Programming Languages.
Programming language C.
Introduction and Origin: In the world of programming, C has occupied an important place.C was developed between 1972 and 1973.In order to make utilitiesrunning on Unix C was developed by Dennis Ritchie. The developmentof Unix operating system is related to...Continue Reading
Programming Language Python.
Introduction and Origin:Python, an very popular high-level programming language created by Guido Van Rossum from 1980 to 1989. In 1980 at Centurm Wiskunde & Informatica, Guido Van Rossum conceived to make it and its implementation began in 1989. After that in 1991 it was published by Guido Van Rossum. Its and interpreted and object...Continue Reading
Markup Language HTML.
Introduction and Origin:HTML a markup language invented to display document in web browser. It stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It describe the structure of web page. Web browser uses it to interpret and compose text images, videos, table etc. In 1990 Tim Berners-Lee invented it. He is an physicist and a contractor at...Continue Reading
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