Is Gravitational Force 0 N at infinity point?
Is Gravitational Force 0 N at infinity point?
Hi there we know that Gravitational Force is 0 N at the center of an object, but is it also 0N at infinity point. Let's calculate it and see weather it is 0N or not.
So for this we are considering two object m1 and m2 and here both m1 and m2 are of 1 kg(For the continence of cauculating we consider it of 1kg, you can consider whatever you want). As we're measuring force it infinity point so the distance between m1 and m2 r is ∞ . So finally we got :
- m1 = 1kg
- m2 = 1kg
- r = ∞
- G = 6.674 × 10-11 N m2 kg-2
As we know,
But as we know 1 / ∞ = 0.
Then is Gravitational Force at infinity point is 0 N? The answer is 'No', gravitational force at infinity is not 0 N.
Now you can say that are I joking, when we're getting 0 N by calculating it then it's 0 N. But on it's not 0 N cause infinity is not a specific number.
Infinity is a symbole which indicates all the number after the last number of a set. So it means that instead of having a specific valu it has different value.
Now let's see some calculation. Here we'll find out the value of 1/∞. As infinity is a set of numbers so we are considering a variab n to indicates each element of the set. Let's see the value of 1/n for various value of n.
Here we can see that when the value of n is less then the value of 1/n is more it means when lim n → ∞ then 1/n → 0 again when the value of n is more then the value of 1/n is less it means that when lim n → 0 then 1/n → ∞ .
In the same way when infinity means a large distance then the Gravitational force become less and when infinity means a less distance the gravitational force become large. It means when lim r → ∞ then FG → 0 but never = 0 and when lim r → 0 then FG → ∞ but never = ∞ .
That's why Gravitational Force at infinity point isn't equal to 0 N instead it goes towards 0 N.
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